Push product and inventory updates from Orderbot to Shopify.
Data flows between Orderbot and Shopify automatically without the need to import a format or click a button. Even if you already have a Shopify store, no double-entry of products in Orderbot is required.
Keep your product list synced between Orderbot and Shopify to avoid SKU mismatch errors when you import orders.
You can also view autojob logs (Reports > Product Report > Product Schedule Log) to check your product export history.
How do I get it?
Start by contacting your account manager. If they find that you're a good fit for this integration, they can configure your Shopify product integration to best fit your flow.
Here are some standard questions to help guide this process:
Do you already have products set up in Shopify?
Have you already been using the Shopify order import in Orderbot?
Which distribution center (set up in Orderbot) would you like to use for your Shopify inventory?
Do you have a Shopify order guide price list? (If not, your account manager can walk you through the process of setting one up.)
What is your inventory policy? Can customers place orders for out of stock products in Shopify?
Would you like to push inventory updates from Orderbot to Shopify?
Would you like to push product profile changes from Orderbot to Shopify?
Are there any product fields you would prefer to manage in Shopify rather than Orderbot?
Product Overview
Orderbot is your system of record for products. New products and product changes will push to Shopify automatically, keeping the two systems synced.
During setup, each store is linked to a price list (called an 'order guide') that determines which products will be pushed to a particular store. This allows a single product set up in Orderbot to be used for multiple Shopify stores, even if they use different pricing and currency. Website descriptions, tags, and other product profile fields that remain the same between stores can be managed by updating a single product profile.
If the online presentation of your product differs a lot between Shopify stores, they may need to be set up as different products.
Product Push Setup Requirements
In order for a product to properly push to Shopify, it must meet these requirements:
SKU must be populated on the sales-unit profile.
The product must have pricing in the order guide linked to the Shopify store.
Shopify Published Scope must be set on the parent level.
Shopify Inventory Management must be set on the child level. (You can leave this unticked if you do not track inventory for this product.)
Simple products (with no variants) or child products must be linked to an inventory unit.
Any product with children, each child that has order guide pricing must also be set up correctly (with a SKU and component) or the entire product and its variants will fail to push.
If you have a complex product setup, we recommend booking some time with one of our technical consultants during implementation. They will be able to provide guidance on how Orderbot products can be configured to suit your flow.
Product Profile Fields (parents and products without children)
On the left and in bold, we have listed the Shopify field name. On the right is a description of the Orderbot field (or fields) that flow into Shopify.
Shopify Field / Orderbot Info
body_html pulls from the product description.
handle is generated from the descriptive title.
images from both parent and child products will push to Shopify. To avoid duplicates, only the large-sized image set on the Orderbot product will be sent.
options pull from the variables used to generate a child product. Please note that options will not update if your rename your Orderbot variable.
product_type pulls from group name.
published_scope must be set under integration settings on the product profile. If set to global, this product will be available for sale on both the web and POS.
title pulls from the product name (also known as invoice name.)
metafields_global_title_tag pulls from the descriptive title.
metafields_global_description_tag pulls from the product description.
vendor pulls from the vendor set on the component level of a product. For children, this will be set in Shopify only if the vendor matches for each child. We do not currently support sending vendor to Shopify if your settings differ by child or there are multiple components linked to your sales unit.
Product Profile - Variants (child products)
During setup, Shopify products and their variants are created in Orderbot as parent and child products with a simple 1:1 structure between sales, inventory, and purchasing units.
Orderbot parent-child products push to Shopify as a product with different options based on the Orderbot variables used in creating the child. Once created, though, these options may no longer be changed from within Orderbot.
On the left and in bold, we have listed the Shopify field name. On the right is a description of the Orderbot field (or fields) that flow into Shopify.
Shopify Field / Orderbot Info
barcode pulls from child product UPC.
compare_at_price pulls from the order guide original price. (You must set a different order guide for each Shopify store.)
fulfillment_service defaults to manual.
grams is the converted product weight. If the shipping weight on the child product profile uses a different UoM than the Shopify defaults, there will be a conversion. (e.g. 1lb product becomes 0.454kg)
weight pulls from child product weight.
weight_unit pulls from child product unit of measurement. (Please note this must be set to either g, kg, oz, or lb to map to Shopify.)
inventory_management pulls from child product integration settings.
inventory_policy is set in Orderbt on the store-level.
inventory_quantity is based on Orderbot Available inventory (On-hand - Allocated To Be Shipped.) Please see the inventory section below for more information on inventory.
options pull from the variables used to generate a child product. Please note that options will not update if your rename your Orderbot variable.
position pulls from Orderbot variable sequence. (See Prefs > Product Setup > Manage Product Variables.)
price pulls from the order guide price set for the child product. (You must set a different order guide for each Shopify store.)
requires_shipping_ defaults to true. Shipping address is required in Orderbot and must be included for order you wish to import.
sku pulls from product SKU. Please note that SKU must be unique for each product and variant in both Orderbot and Shopify in order to use this integration.
taxable pulls from the taxable tickbox on the child product.
title pulls from the child product name (also known as invoice name.)
Inventory is pushed to Shopify is based on the distribution center assigned to your store.
The inventory we push to Shopify is based on Orderbot's Available calculation (On-hand - Allocated TBS.) If a product has less than 0 inventory in Orderbot, we send a QTY of 0.
There is a per-product setting called inventory_management that specifies whether Shopify tracks the in-stock QTY for this item. (This allows you to omit inventory updates for products that have unlimited inventory like digital downloads.) Tick if Orderbot should send inventory updates for this product.
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