Because of the complexity of Orderbot, there are many different error messages that you may encounter. Some are very straightforward while others are a bit more involved or may have different meanings depending on where you encounter them. Here we try to list common error messages that require a bit more explanation than we can fit in the Orderbot message.
Please keep in mind that this page is not meant to be a list of every single error message as some are fairly self explanatory. We will work to continue to add any error messages that need more information to this page.
If the resolution provided on this page does not completely resolve the issue you are experiencing, please contact with a screenshot of the page where you encountered it. Include as much information as possible about the steps you took right before you saw the error.
Shipping Settings Errors
Shipping method or ship to country error!
If you are seeing this message, it means that the current country you have selected for the customer does not have an active distribution centre. The logic is: if you don't have an active DC, how can you ship something? You can rectify this by going to Prefs –> System Setup –> Shipping and Tax Settings, then click the 'Shipping Destinations' tab. Find the country you are trying to ship to, then activate the DC. Check the Shipping Destinations page for some more info.
Shipping Rate Grids setting Error!
Something is incorrect in your grid pricing settings. Go to Prefs –> System Setup –> Shipping and Tax Settings. From there, you would go to the 'Shipping Charge' page. You might want to check the 'Shipping Destinations' page first in order to check which shipping charge you have set for the country and sales channel your customer is assigned to.
Common grid pricing errors are caused by gaps in pricing. If you have a charge set for orders between $1-12 and then another for $13-20, you actually have a gap! Any orders between $12.01 and $12.99 have no shipping charge set, so they will trigger the above error.
Cancel Failed!USPS Transaction ID can not be found
If you tried to void a label on an order and you got this error, there is a good chance that the Shipping Carrier on the order is not the same as the one on the Label. Change the ship method on the order back to the original, then click “void” to cancel the label.
An error occurs trying to get rates. An exception has been raised as a result of client data.
This is generally encountered on the orderpad if a customer's 'ship to' address is incorrect. Common errors are problems with the ZIP code, state, or abbreviations such as ST. If there's any problem with the address, UPS, USPS, or FEDEX can't get rates.
A good place to check addresses is here:!input.action
You can also try searching on Googlemaps to see if it autocorrects the address.
NOTE: We have a video about shipping settings here.
Payment Integration Errors Error Messages
Getting this error message when you are trying to process payments?Authorize.Net MESSAGE – This transaction cannot be accepted. RESPONSECODE: (3) REASON CODE: (103) Have you changed your password for your account recently? If so, then you will need to generate a new Transaction Key. Please email for instructions on how to do this.
The transaction has been declined
Do Not Honour
Both of these errors generally indicate that there's a problem with the credit card you're using. Have the customer get in touch with their issuing bank.
A duplicate transaction has already been submitted.
This generally means that you've double-clicked and attempted to submit the same information twice. Please verify whether or not you've already submitted before trying again.
Order Processing Errors
Order ### Ship Error. Product (product name) does not have a BOM or has a BOM that has not yet reached it's effective date.
That error means that you've missed a step in creating these products. They have no inventory and purchasing units because you haven't set up a bill of material. If you're set up to deplete on the inventory (component) class, any products without an inventory unit can't be marked as shipped.
NOTE: We have a training video about setting up 1:1 BOMs here.
Can not find this SKU: Ob3000
Items may be added to cart, using Order By SKU. In this situation, you might encounter this error. This might mean one of the following
- The Order by SKU functionality is Case Sensitive. Make sure the casing of the SKU, matches the casing of the Order Entry. So, OB3000 and not Ob3000 or oB3000.
- The specific SKU (and its parent, if Child Product) does not have a price specified in the Order Guide associated with the Customer (Account) which you are trying to place an Order for.
Cart is empty, add products before checkout
Items need to be added to the cart, before you can checkout. But sometime, you might encounter this error, even though it appears that there are items in the cart.
- This is because they have two tabs open of the Orderpad at the same time.
Payment Information is Missing
While trying to complete (Submit) an Order, you might encounter this error. This might mean one of the following
- The Order is meant to be paid by Credit Card, but the Credit Card details are missing.
- Please click on the Payment Tab and complete the Credit Card Information OR click the Do Not Process Payment Checkbox (if you don't intend to immediately process payment)
- The Account is meant to be On Terms, but has not been correctly setup. As seen from the SS above, there is no option for Account.
- Go to the Account profile and set the Account to be On Terms. You will then see the option for Account on the Payment Tab, as displayed below:
Could not find a path of the Path
When trying to upload Order using an Excel File (Home > Orders > Import Order from File > Import from Excel Orders), you might first encounter this error.
- This is not actually an error. It simply means that the required setup for this feature has not been completed. Please contact to request for this feature setup to be enabled. Kindly allow a minimum of 2-3 weeks for you request to be processed.
Product Creation Errors
Nothing to Save
- When trying to add a Bill of Materials in the process of creating a Product, you might encounter this error, when the Save button is clicked. (Notice in the SS above the Save button is being clicked but there are no Items in the Bill of Materials -Items tab.)
- Please click on the Submit button (left) to add the selected item to the Bill of Materials - Items tab, first. Then set an effective date and click the Save button (right), as shown below:
A similar resolution may be adopted when linking Purchase Units to their respective Inventory Units.
- Please click on the Submit button (left) to add the selected item to the Bill of Materials - Items tab, first. Then set an effective date and click the Save button (right), as shown below:
Reporting Errors
Divide by Zero Error/ Attempting to divide by Zero
- When trying to run reports, you may some times encounter a "Divide by Zero" error. This means that the report being requested has an Order with a 0 value in it somewhere. (whether it's price, or qty or similar).
- Please try running this report for incrementing days every time - to pinpoint exactly which Order it might be.
For example, if running the report from 01/09/2019 to 01/10/2019 generates the error. Try running the report for a shorter period of time (eg, 01/09/2019-15/09/2019), to see whether you can run the report successfully. If so, it can be deduced that the Order lies in the time period for which the report was not run. ie.15/09/2019-30/09/2019. Now repeat the same strategy for the 2nd half of Sept. 2019, each time with smaller time periods, till you are able to narrow down the specific values that are causing the error.
- Please try running this report for incrementing days every time - to pinpoint exactly which Order it might be.
General Errors
Object reference error.
If you see this error, please contact with a screenshot of the page where you encountered it. Include as much information as possible about the steps you took right before you saw the error.
Transaction was deadlocked on locked resources with another process and has been chosen as the deadlock victim. Rerun the Transaction:
This error simply means that Orderbot was not able to successfully process the operation requested. Please clear your Cache and retry this operation, after a few minutes.
If the error persists, please contact with a screenshot of the page where you encountered it. Include as much information as possible about the steps you took right before you saw the error.
Sequence contains more than one matching element
This refers to some sort of duplication in the operation being requested, be it Products on the Order or similar. Attempts to remove the duplication will resolve this issue.
Subquery returned more than 1 value. This is not permitted when the subquery follows =, !=, <, <= , >, >= or when the subquery is used as an expression.
This error generally occurs due to data inconsistency/integrity reasons, resulting in duplication data. The operation that you are trying to perform expects one result, but actually returns more than one, on account of this duplication. Attempts to remove the duplication will resolve this issue.
Request Time Out
The time taken to process your request, exceed the time permitted to perform this request. If you are running any reports, please try to reduce the amount of information being requested in the report. Example:Instead of running the report for a year, try running it for a month. If you are requested a report for all categories of products, try running the same report for few/some of the Product Categories or try filtering only the Order Statuses that are relevant rather than all.
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