Below is a list of commonly asked questions. Typically you'll find anything that can be answered in a few sentences and doesn't merit having its own page.
How do I export a list of my customers?
Go to Reports –> Customer Reports > Customer Export. If you export this report to Excel, you can move around columns however you want.
How do I deactivate a customer account?
Click the green checkmark on both the bill to and ship to levels. If they're deactivated, they'll show as a red 'X'. Depending on your site settings, deactivated customers may or may not show on the search.
How do I add a new customer (ship to) to an existing (bill to) account?
Under Customers –> New Customer, if you take a look on the right-hand-side, there's a little magnifying glass icon next to the words 'existing account.'If you click this option, you can search for an existing billing account to add your new customer account to.
Note: We also have a guide and a training video that covers this topic.
I ticked 'Add to Googlemap' on my retailer's profile. Why don't I see it on my Find a Store page?
The most common cause of this issue is that the address is incorrect. Try searching for it on on google maps. If it doesn't show up there, it won't show up on store locator. Also, if google maps auto-corrects your address to something slightly different, you will want your customer profile to match exactly what googlemaps says. Common differences include a different ZIP or abbreviations like 'ST' instead of 'street.'
Order Guides
Is there a way to export the order guides in orderbot?
From the Account Profile (Billing), choose the Order Guide tab and then click on the Print/ Email icon, as needed.
How do I change the sales rep assigned to a CRM Note?
See the detailed instructions on this page → Change Sales Rep Assigned to Note or follow the steps below:
If you would like to reassign an individual note:
- Do a search to pull up the notes you would like to change. Click on the edit icon of a note.
- On the note screen itself, select the sales rep you would like to reassign to from the dropdown menu.
- Submit. Repeat with other notes.
I want to edit the CRM status for one of the shipping account, but the field is grayed out. Please advise how can I change it?
You can change the CRM Status on a Customer Profile, only if there are NO CRM Notes already. You can tell by clicking the CRM Note Icon. To change the status for Customers with already existing note, you can add a new note (perhaps, note as to why the CRM Status is changing) and then, in that Dialog you can adjust the CRM status.
Products & Inventory
Is there a way to easily change Products created in one category to another?
In order to easily change the category of a Product that you have already created, please follow the steps below:
- Go to Products–> Edit Products > Edit Products in Groups
- Drag and drop as appropriate.
- Change CLASS from Inventory to Sales Items. (drop down menu at the top of the screen)
- Drag and drop as appropriate.
I am unable to Order the Products that I just created, on the Orderpad?
In order to resolve this situation, please follow the steps below
- Go to the Product Profile and make sure the Product is in the correct Category and Group
- Make sure that there is availability of the Product in the Warehouse that this Order will be shipping from
- Make sure that the Orderguide linked to the Customer's Account you are ordering for has a Price for that product. If the Product that you are trying to Order is a child product, make sure there is a corresponding price for the Parent Product, in that Order Guide.
Where can I see the inventory history of a product?
If you go to Reports –> Inventory Reports > Inventory Transaction, you can do a search by SKU. You'll be able to see inventory adjustments, shipped orders, received POs, or other adjustments to a product's inventory.
See our page on inventory management.
Note: You will need to search by the correct class, which depends on your own site settings. If you have assembly units set up, for instance, you'll need to search by 'Assembly class.'
An Order was marked as Shipped on 04th September, 2019 however Products on that Order do not show an Inventory Depletion when I run the reports (eg. Inventory Transaction Report) for September 2019.
Inventory Depletion occurs on the Ship Date and NOT on the date that the Order Status is changed to Shipped. Therefore, if the Order is marked as Shipped on 04th of September, 2019, but the Order has a Ship Date of 31st of August, 2019, Inventory Depletion will show on the same reports, for the month of August 2019 (and not September 2019).
In other words, if the Order cannot be marked as Shipped on the Ship Date, please ensure to change the Ship date of the Order, to the date that you will be able to have the Order shipped.
This can be done by:
- Editing the Shipping tab of the individual Order
- Moving the Ship Date of the Order on the Orders > View Order screen.
Why are all my inventory numbers negative?
If you have not been tracking incoming inventory within Orderbot, then shipped orders will have been depleting your products' inventory levels without ever being replaced. (Some clients prefer to have things set up this way, so that they can see how much they've shipped over time.)
If you would like to track inventory in Orderbot, you can use our CSV importt o enter an initial count or adjustment.
I did a manual count and my inventory is off by a large number. Why?
If you go to Reports –> Inventory Reports > Inventory Transaction and do a search for one of the SKUs that were off in your count, you can see the transaction history of that product. Check all transactions since the last count. The most common causes of discrepancies are unreceived Purchase Orders, inventory adjustments, and orders being shipped for the wrong warehouse. Check that all POs were properly received and that all adjustments are for the correct values. Also double-check that any large orders are for the correct warehouse.
I would like to revert to an earlier version of a BOM. What do I do?
On the BOM tab of the product profile, find the earlier version. Then click the 'duplicate' button to make a new version of the BOM with the same components as the old one.
Orders & Ordering
I'm trying to search for a shipped order on the 'View Order' or 'Manage Fulfilment' pages. Why can't I find it?
On the right-hand corner of the screen, you'll see several tickboxes with colourful statuses. Check to see if the 'shipped' status is ticked. If it's not, then shipped orders will be filtered out when you search.
How do I set up ship notices, email confirmations, and invoices? Can they be sent automatically?
See our page on email settings.
If you go to Prefs –> System Setup –> Site Settings –> Email Settings, you can set up automatic invoices, email confirmations, and ship notices. Just tick the checkbox next to the option you would like to enable, and tick the sales channels you would like to include. You will need to enter a 'From Email Address.' You also have the option of adding a 'BCC Email Address' if you want to receive copies of all of these emails in an inbox of your own. Once you have things set up how you like, scroll down and submit.
You can also customize the formats of some of these. For invoices, you can go to the 'invoice' page under Site Settings. Here you can change the logo, address text, or basic format of your invoices. Under 'Confirmation Message', you can change the logo and text for confirmation messages by sales channel.
Note: In order for customers to receive any ship notices, email confirmations, or invoices, you must have an email address entered on their customer profile. If you don't have this entered, you'll receive an error message when you try to send an email.
Note: Email confirmations will send automatically whenever an order is edited, as well as when an order is originally placed. When editing an order, you might want to temporarily remove the 'email confirm' address from the customer's profile temporarily so that customers don't receive a dozen copies of the confirmation message.
Payments, Credits & Refunds
I would like to process a refund, but the customer's card has expired. How do I refund to another card?
On the 'refund' dropdown, if you select a credit card payment method while there's an existing card on file, there's a checkbox that says 'Return to Another Card.' If you tick this box, new fields will appear, allowing you to enter new credit card information.
Shipping & Taxes
I've set up grid pricing with a shipping fee of $0 for orders over a certain amount. Why are my customers still being charged a shipping fee?
Check the 'Minimum Shipping Fee' field on your shipping charge under Prefs –> System Setup –> Shipping and Tax Setting –> Shipping Charges. If you have a minimum fee here, it will not allow your grid pricing to fall under that value. So if you have a minimum shipping fee of $5, but grid pricing set to $0, the customer will be charged $5.
Why can't I choose a certain ship method why trying to create an order?
There are 2 reasons why this could happen.
a. Shipping Methods settings > The Shipping Method for that distribution centre is not activated. Click the red 'x' to active.
b. Shipping Charges settings > The Shipping Charge selected for the country of delivery is not currently active. If you're using grid pricing, add a ship calculation method for the Shipping method you are trying to use. You can't charge shipping if the program doesn't know what price to use! If you want to use your shipping carriers rates, just use Get Rates.
For more information on how to set these up, please go to our Shipping and Tax Settings page.
Purchasing, Purchase Units & Vendors
I accidentally created two purchase units. How do I delete one?
You can't delete a purchase unit, but you can deactivate it.
You have two options. You could go to Purchasing –> Manage Purchase Units > View Purchase Units and click the green checkmark next to a purchase unit to disable it.
Alternatively, you can go to the 'Purchasing' tab of product profile and click the little green checkmark to deactivate it.
I have just shipped the first Order to my new Customer (Account). The invoice is Unpaid, but the this Client is not listed in the AR Report(s)?
If your business operation uses the Invoice Date to calculate an Accounts Receivable and the Invoice does not have an Invoice Date, then this newly created Customer(Account) will not by listed in the AR Reports(s), assuming this is the first Order.
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