🚀 Releases
5.5.1 - 05/08/24
Barcode Scanning Using ORD
ORD users will have the ability to scan containers/items, with the scanned data seamlessly stored. The enhancements needed for ORD outlined in this task outline the expected user experience with using scans and scenarios for when certain actions aren't readily available due to driver offline, internet connection issues, etc.
Bug Fixes
- LP manager without team does not see a driver without team on No Driver tab and on Assigned tab
- Mobile does not apply the second filter
- Pickup advancement only when assigned to Location
- Display Shippers list under Settings
- Filter for New deliveries to assign does not work
- Show driver icons on map in New Delivery section
- Hide links to mobile app for specific users
- ORD Users Sign In Issue
Client-Specific Fixes
* Only
- Misaligned burger menu
- Unauthorized error in location collector results in the client's users not appearing in store
Add Item-Level Details For a Specific Provider
Map Name, quantity and dimensions to payload for a specific logistics provider.
General Fixes and Improvements
- Driver Assign Modal Not Assigning Driver from Dropdown
- Сonflict when selecting users with the same name
- Use SLA instead of revoke timer in OneRail Processing status
- Locations unable to route within 3 hours of Market Close Time
- ORD driver is able to assign a driver after a successful revoke
- LP manager without team does not see a driver without team on No Driver tab and on Assigned tab
- Add "Route ID" Column to Table Views
- Missing Address 2 if entered manually
- "unable to find a delivery vehicle for delivery group" Error Message needs re work
- Add New "Store Number" Column to Table Views
- Fix Typo's and General Cleanup on CX Notifications Page
- Add "Shipment ID" Column to Table Views
- Driver select by clicking on Avatar does not work
- Deliveries drop from LP Control Tower when revoked at the same time when LP cancels
- When there are no locations selected, Routes section is still visible with no content.
- New Endpoint in Delivery API for route create
- CSV Shipper Location uploader does not account for country
- Update Search Input Field to Support Searching for "Item Identifier"
- Add New "Store Number" Filter to Table Views
- Creating second return item is not possible
- Update Search Input Field to Support Searching for "Store Number"
- geocodingRouting geocoding error results in UPS not being selected
Client-Specific Fixes and Improvements
* Only
- A specific client is not receiving Driver assigned events for internal drivers
** Only
- Label Resolution and Font Enhancements for improved readability
5.4.1 - 04/10/24
Cartonization Rate Shop Configuration
To streamline delivery pricing from designated carriers, as few favor bundled items while others prefer individual packaging. A new section in the "LSP Configurations" dedicated to selecting configurations based on predefined containers in "Packing Management". These containers will define how all items in a delivery should be packaged to meet specified parameters, allowing for rate shopping based on the calculated configuration of all items within the container.
Ability to Upload CSV Orders for "Visibility" Tracking
As part of our ongoing efforts to refine and improve Chain of Custody, we are seeking to broaden the scope. Specifically, we aim to accommodate CSV uploaded visibility deliveries through OmniPoint, ensuring a comprehensive and adaptable solution for our diverse user base.
Bug Fixes
- Fix action area for the delivery status change circle
Client Specific Bug Fixes
* Only
- *_Mobile App 2.0_Workflow is broken when the Driver selects the first Delivery Stop after completing first pickup
- Login logic change to never turn off driver toggle
*** Only
- Client statuses display "En Route" to pick up after mobile update.
- Address for a client-specfic mobile app pick up task displays "undefined"
Duplicate Events for a Specific Client
Fix to remove duplicate event in the event hub for a specific client.
Carrier Visibility Integration for a Specific Client
Enabled a specific carrier integration for a specific client in the production environment.
Grouped Label Solution for a Specific Client
Optimized label generation to allow a specific client to efficiently receive labels at volume.
General Fixes and Improvements
- Ability to Add an Order/Delivery to a Route Via the Route API
- Ability to Remove an Order/Stop from a Route Via the Route API
- Ability to Resequence Route Stops Via the Route API
- Update "Packing Management" to Include Max Weight
- Update Downloadable Orders Template to Include New Columns for "Visibility"
- Ability to Upload CSV Orders for "Visibility" Tracking
- Pagination Does Not Refresh When Going to Next Page
- Add "Carrier Code" Configuration Option to LSP Organizations
- Add support for adjusting stale DeliveryWindows when creating a route
- Returning completed order does not copy the accessorials
- Driver can be assigned to the wrong team
- View New RouteID (Org Sourced Identifier) on Delivery Details View
- Enhance route checkboxes and map markers
- Add Scanning Required Configurations to POP/POD Settings
- Make Address and Email optional
- Item Qty 0 on External Routes
- Resolve the issue around using addresses outside of the US and Canada
- Driver assigned events are showing under previous LPs
- Ability to overflow route creation to external vehicles in UI
- Cartonization Rate Shop Configuration Computation Logic
- Add scans handling to statusUpdate
- Update ETAs to Accurately Calculate for Delivery Windows
⏱️Coming Soon
Ability to create routes for more than 100 orders at a time (Client-Specific)
This will give us the ability to view more than 100 orders at a time for route creation. It will increase our max page increments up to 500 and will be configurable per organization.
Shipper Rate Card Configuration
Work has been done on both the front and back-end to enhance how the system works when a shipper has their own rate card. With the Shipper Rate Card Configuration update, a user will have the option to enable a Shipper Rate Card for a specific service level.
Foreign Currency
As part of Internationalization, we must implement Foreign Currency support to cater to new markets. It is essential that our platform is capable of handling multiple types of currency as per the region that it caters to. We are adding a configuration option for currency at both the organization and location levels so that the setting can be inherited by the associated locations and users, respectively.
Support for Stock Replenishment Deliveries
Users will now have the ability to configure Shipper Contracts to enable this functionality, where the driver will be prompted to pick the items that he is delivering at a delivery location. These configurations will be available under a new section in the Contracts called Service Mode Settings:
Drivers that are assigned deliveries matching to these type of contracts, will be required to specify the items being delivered at each stop/location. The list of available items will be populated from the list of Products saved on the Shipper organization.
Migrating Create Account Form
The form that allows LSPs to self-onboard will now be part of the OneRail Driver website. This will allow for a better experience when signing up for ORD.
Mobile Bug Fixes
- Pushes for Replenishments
- Re-do push notifications in accordance to design
- Not valid role error during login for a client's specific builds
- Mobile does not apply the second filter
- Pickup advancement only when assigned to Location
- LP manager without team does not see a driver without team on No Driver tab and on Assigned tab
- Show driver icons on map in New Delivery section
- ORD Users sign in Issue
- New delivery does not appear after turn off airplane mode on Home page
- Route list is not updated after canceling delivery from LP CT
- Incorrect rounding for metric driver when delivery has several items
- No distance for some drivers on New Delivery screen
General Fixes and Improvements
- Fix Vehicle Recommendation for SUV / Mini Van
- Multiple Deliveries within the same order are not displaying the correct items
- Allow marking deliveries as "ARRIVED_FOR_DELIVERY" from other state
Client-Specific Fixes and Improvements
* Only
- Investigate 500s on routeStop removal from internal route for a specific client
** Only
- Label Layout and File Type Updates
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