🚀 Released
4.12.2 - 12/20/23
Schedule Deliveries via CX Notification
Customers now have the ability to schedule and reschedule their deliveries via CX Notifications, when the delivery is in "Shipping" + "Draft" status. The users will be shown delivery windows and on Rescheduling service level will also be updated based on the selected. Drop-off windows is calculated based on the pickup location's operational hours and the selected customer preference, ensuring accuracy and alignment with business operations.
Delivery Fulfillment from Other Locations
A new object called 'originLocation' has been added to OneRail's APIs that enable integrated customers to create an order and deliveries from a single location that are being fulfilled by another location. Additionally, two new permissions have been created to enable the ability for location-level users at either the origin location or the fulfillment location to dispatch the deliveries. From a visibility standpoint, origin location users will be able to see all deliveries, regardless of access to other locations since they're the originating location of the order and deliveries. Users of a fulfillment location will only see deliveries that are being fulfilled from their specific location only.
Client-Specific ETA Event
A specific client is looking for an a custom ETA event that is triggered each time the driver arrives at a stop for the purpose of recording the arrival time.
Eliminate duplicate GetRate call for a Specific Provider
Configure the integration to use the original get rate call for booking for the purpose of reducing calls to a specific provider's endpoint.
Provider-Specific Hard Coded Delivery Instructions
Remove hard coded Shipper delivery instructions for a specific-client from a specific provider.
ACCEPTED BY ONERAIL Event for a Specific Client
Add item payload information and Delivery ID to the Accepted By OneRail event
Routed Order Event for a Specific Client
A client-specific custom event to display relevant route information at the time of route creation.
Planned ETA Event for a Specific Client
A client-specific custom event designed to show the expected stop arrival times for a given stop on a route and the stop number.
General Fixes and Improvements
Unknown Error When Saving New Users
Season Pricing Addition to Existing Contracts
Last stop on Route pin not displaying
Update buildNestedDeliveryContainers
'order/create' Endpoint in Delivery API Event Sent After Creation to DSQP has No Delivery
Update Contracts to Support $0.00
Fix risk calculations, display, and sorting, and keep risk updated on active deliveries
Update Distance and Time to Use Trimble
Dispatch to Int/Ext Route
US Foods users cannot assign drivers due to bad driver availability request
Season Pricing Addition to Existing Contracts
Last stop on Route pin not displaying
Return to Depot mileage tracking
Driver assignment was not reset after delivery was re-dispatched to another LSP
Returning completed order does not copy accessorial
Reassign Internal Route
Route Refresh
Route Costs
Client-Specific Fixes and Improvements
* Only
- Add Extra Field to Enent in Ops API Client-Specific Event Handler
***** Only
Users cannot assign drivers due to bad driver availability request
4.2.1 - 12/06/23
Add Routing Capabilities for a Specific Provider
Enhancement to the Point Pickup integration to support routing.
Pass Revoke Time for a Specific Provider
Enhancement to pass contract revoke time to a specific provider to allow them to better manage driver assignment.
Visibility Integration for a Specific Provider
Completed testing of visibility integration for a specific provider for use with a specific client's COC project.
Add Weight and Dimensions to a Specific Provider's Integration
Enhancement to support weight and dimension for deliveries performed by a specific provider.
General Fixes and Improvements
Update Delivered V2 Endpoint to support URLS Outbound to DSQP
Updating Alt-Location country field returns country name as duplicate
Match Drop Off only to relevant store numbers
Removing Shipper from Filter Removes Fields Without Removing Selections
Update the Inbound / outbound filter search status
Update "Search" to include partial search for "Container ID"
Client-Specific Fixes and Improvements
* Only
Creating an internal route with multiple shipments
Creating a Delivery with the Dropoff Location as an Orgs Location Not Marking "Inbound / Outbound" Column as "Inbound"
4.11.2 - 11/29/23
Canadian Holidays for Locations and Market Hours
As part of Internationalization, we must implement Canadian Holiday Support to cater to Canadian markets. It is essential that our platform is capable of handling Canada-Specific holidays for the locations. We are adding list of Public Holidays in Canada with controls to toggle specific holidays.
Delivery Create Event for a Specific-Client
Pick Up ETA Event for a Specific Client
Add child orgs to UAT configuration for a Specific Provider
Pass shippers name on dispatch for a Specific Provider
Configure POD & Signature for a Specific Provider
Map signature required field a Specific Provider
Add a Specific Client as a shipper account for a Specific Provider
General Fixes and Improvements
- Origin store under add filter shows the logged in User's location across Dashboard/Deliveries/Orders
- Add 5-hour Drop-off Speed to Service Levels
Client-Specific Fixes and Improvements
* Only
- Consolidated shipment is not dispatched to an internal driver and the shipment remains in draft
- User is able to reinstate a Permanently Cancelled DOBO Delivery that has originated from a different location
- Driver unable to see the follower clubbed deliveries after selecting the batched order from the order details page
- Add "GAYLORD" to Supported Container Types
- Ignore Pickup Location When Copying DOBO Deliveries Error
- Error when consolidating deliveries with multiple store pickup locations
- Origin store under add filter shows the logged in User's location across Dashboard/Deliveries/Orders
- Clubbing Enhancement with DOBO Deliveries
** Only
- Unable to save edits or load filters
*** Only
- Match Christmas Tree Deliveries to Specific Service Level & Shipper Contract for a specific client.
**** Only
- Pass Along Driver Names From Manually Added Events
4.11.1 - 11/08/23
Enhanced Containerization
Add a Specific Client as a Shipper Account in Door Dash
TA Dedicated Visibility Integration
DataTrans SFTP File Server Migration
Webhook URL Change Request for a Specific Client
General Fixes and Improvements
- Origin Order dispatch button Fix
- Cleanup for Consolidating Multiple Shipments/Deliveries Into One Delivery for a Single Order
- Delivery Details | URL Validation Check Fix
Pass Along Driver Names From Manually Added Events
Client-Specific Fixes and Improvements
* Only
- DOBO Deliveries Not Appearing for "Origin Location" When Deliveries are Sourced at Other Locations ONLY
4.10.2 - 10/25/23
Accessorials Enhancements & Costs
Services Accessorial Quantities
- When a delivery is created with "Services" accessorials, there is the ability for users to enter in a quantity for all "Services" with the exception of the following:
- Certificate of Insurance (COI) Fees
- Hazmat
- Limited Access
Services Accessorial Quantities in Delivery Costs
- When orders/deliveries are created (either manually or via the API) with "Services" accessorials where there are quantities entered, the pricing for the Shipper looks at the Shipper's Contract for that "Services" accessorial and calculates based on the quantity provided for that delivery.
- The pricing for the services accessorials with quantities reflects accordingly in the "Delivery Cost Info" section for the Shipper.
Add a specific client as a shipper account for a specific LP
Add credentials for a specific-LP's deliveries in Canada
General Fixes and Improvements
- Enhancements for "Editing" Shipper Contract SLAs
- Removing Shipper from Filter Removes Fields Without Removing Selections
4.10.1 - 10/11/23
Bug Fixes
- Imperial to Metric system conversion had incorrect rounding
- Incorrect font on Vehicle Type
- Optimization and performance enhancements
- Fix the reassign vehicle to active route perf issue
- Cancelation push-notification was not being sent on "Cancel Delivery Attempt"
- Some deliveries were missing Address 2
- Geofencing setting being ignored in new Organizations when toggled off
- Text being repeatedly overwritten on manual QR code scanning
- Double push-notification in the case of a LSP dispatcher assigning from mobile
- Keyboard overlaps vehicle selection in some OS versions
- Delivery Cancelation would sometimes fail due to advanced delivery status
- Call and Message button for location point of contact do not work on IOS
Add Drop Off Geo Code for a specific LP
Add alternate geo codes for drop off locations in payload to a specific LP.
General Fixes and Improvements
- Reduce Database Calls on findLpContractSlas Cache Problem
- Delivery-sync - wasteful behavior on updating shipper contracts
- Update Text in Footer to Include Link to Data Rights in OneRail's Privacy Policy
- Location user that is part of Origin Location can copy Delivery from different pickup location
Client-Specific Fixes and Improvements
* Only
- Create New Permission to Allow Location Users to View and Dispatch a Delivery that Originated at Another Location
- Redispatching is not successful on the Revoked Infleet clubbed delivery with another order to 3rd Party Driver
- After Selecting "Go to Leader Delivery" When Batching Orders, You are Not Able to Cancel the Order
- Copy Delivery Errors for a specific-client.
- Ability to Consolidate Multiple Shipments/Deliveries Into One Delivery for a Single Order
- Delivery Create not identifying saved Customer Locations
⏱️Coming Soon
Ability to create routes for more than 100 orders at a time (Client-Specific)
This will give us the ability to view more than 100 orders at a time for route creation. It will increase our max page increments up to 500 and will be configurable per organization.
Shipper Rate Card Configuration
Work has been done on both the front and back-end to enhance how the system works when a shipper has their own rate card. With the Shipper Rate Card Configuration update, a user will have the option to enable a Shipper Rate Card for a specific service level.
Currently, Trimble is used only for geocoding location addresses, however we want to expand the use of Trimble in the system so that it's used for all mapping, mileage, and time calculations (including drive time and ETA) across Core, ORD, and CX. After the Trimble implementation is complete, HereMaps and Google will only be used as a backup for geocoding addresses exclusively.
Foreign Currency
As part of Internationalization, we must implement Foreign Currency support to cater to new markets. It is essential that our platform is capable of handling multiple types of currency as per the region that it caters to. We are adding a configuration option for currency at both the organization and location levels so that the setting can be inherited by the associated locations and users, respectively.
Support for Stock Replenishment Deliveries
Users will now have the ability to configure Shipper Contracts to enable this functionality., where the driver will be prompted to pick the items that he is delivering at a delivery location. These configurations will be available under a new section in the Contracts called Service Mode Settings:
Drivers that are assigned deliveries matching to these type of contracts, will be required to specify the items being delivered at each stop/location. The list of available items will be populated from the list of Products saved on the Shipper organization.
Migrating Create Account Form
The form that allows LSPs to self-onboard will now be part of the OneRail Driver website. This will allow for a better experience when signing up for ORD.
General Fixes and Improvements
- Accessorial For Deliveries Are Calculated in Pricing and Rate Shopping
Removed "Lyft" From Vehicles Options
Delivery Schema Call Reduction V2 - PushAPI
Add Spinner to Create Order Location Field
LSP user was able to change Freelancers vehicle
Add Link to "Clear All Filters" to Table Views
Deliveries Stop Cycling When They Should Re-Dispatch to Another LP
Use Delivery windows to Calculate ETA if delivery is unable to get Driver Geo Pings
Update MDP Bot signature in push translator
Use driver location from Redis
Client-Specific Fixes and Improvements
*** Only
- Hide Dashboard, Deliveries, and Organization from the Navigation Bar
**** Only
- Apply Custom Price Logic for a specific client based on "Item Identifiers"
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