2.7.1 – 07/19/23
New Table Filter Options
As we continue to enhance the table filters on the various tables, users can now filter by the following columns to further segment the data to their viewing needs:
- Pickup Accessorial
- Drop-off Location Zip Code
New Cancellation Reasons
New cancellation reasons were added to the existing list that are currently available to select organizations. Below is a list of the new cancellation reasons available:
- Item Out of Scope
- Delivery Services Out of Scope
- Order not Staged
- LP Not Assigned
- Incorrect Delivery Address
- Inaccurate Item Information
- No Inventory
In addition to the new cancellation reasons, several cancellation reasons were retired for specific customers:
- Customer Picked Up From Store
- Delay - Delivery
- Delay - Pickup
- Incorrect Item Picked By Store for Delivery
- SLA Exempt
- SLA Voided
New "Delivery Cost Info" Section on the "Delivery Details" Page
As an enhancement to displaying costs for a delivery, a new section on the "Delivery Details" page has been added called "Delivery Cost Info". This section will provide a line-item breakdown of all costs that make up a delivery including base cost information, tolls, accessorial, item-specific costs, etc.
Unable to Route Error Message
When attempting to route deliveries and an error is encountered, the Unable to Route error message will now give more detailed information as to the cause of the error and how it can be corrected.
Control Tower
Location Route Expand Label to Show Quantity
Users will now click on the # of routes and # of stops to expand and collapse the lists.
Service Windows for Route Stops
Each stop on a route will display the service window for that stop. This is the planned window that the driver should arrive at the pickup or drop off location.
Location Filter
No locations will load until the user has set a location filter. This allows the user to only see the location info they want to see and improve CT performance.
Better Status Descriptions
The description under each of the available statuses in the mobile app has changed better explain to users how and when to use each status.
General Fixes:
- Camera permissions sometimes not allowing users to take POD if no authorization is given the first time the app requests permission to use the camera.
- Login email input unresponsive intermittently after a fresh installation of the app, or when the app is updated in the background
- Displaying correct pickup/drop-off location instructions from the delivery, not the main location
- Driver assigned push notification sometimes did not generate
Include Item Details for Senpex
Allow item description to be consumed in the “order_desc” parameter.
Fixes and Improvements
- *** A specific client's drivers canceling off of a route places the order in ACCEPTED_BY_LP
- Add "Country" to OneRail Generated Labels
- Sorting of columns is not happening in the proper ascending/descending order
- Display International Addresses for Orders and Deliveries
- Update Address Labels to be Generic for International Customers
- Update Maps Integrations to Support International Addresses
- Update Ops API to Support International Addresses
- Update Phone Number Input Field to Support International Phone Numbers
- Pickup Column Incorrect Sequence
- Make clickable area around driver name larger
- Delivery disappeared from driver after revoke timer runs out
- *** Client-specific users on iOS 16.1 are having persistent white screen issues
- Display correct location instructions
- Update Camera access screen according to latest design
- Check Truncate in ETA
- After fresh install email input is unavailable during several picks
- No view in Control Tower button for delivery in status Onerail Processing
- Carrier Shipping Labels Throws an Error with an Undefined Document
- ORD Locations list formatting Updates
- Driver status description changes
- Get drivers location authorization
- Fix errors in location-inquery
- Implement Indexes and Views for Reporting to Enable Incremental Refresh
- Move sync and partialUpdate messages to their own queue
- Fetch label query takes too long to generate labels
- *_UAT_"DRIVER_ASSIGNED" eventType for Infleet delivery is Not Coming to *_COMM_TRX_DELIVERY_EVENTS_RAW Kafka Topic (Client-specific)
- **** Status should only update automatically for "Arrived for Pickup" and "Arrived for Delivery" (Client-Specific)
- Fix for the getDriverLocation endpoint being called too frequently
- Poor cancelation handling drops deliveries from Control Tower
- Extend LP users authorization with RBAC check, design and implement set of permissions
- Mixed deliveries shown incorrect in mobile app
- Drop off points not combined
- Need to optimise re-tries errors on mobile
- Sometimes LP manager do not receive notifications
- Incorrect size of View in Control tower button
- The Alternate Address is Not Used for Batched Orders (Duplicate Store Locations)
- App crashes after trying to open Delivery from History
- View in Control tower button leads to wrong LP Control tower after auto-revoke
- PARSING ERROR when Rejecting deliveries
- Any vehicle instead of particular vehicle name
- Align payout sum by right side
- Map constantly zooming-out
- Customer location with an address suggested by the system couldn't be saved
- Change icon of Past deliveries
- Do not allow driver to log out if they have assigned or in progress deliveries
- Add delivery locations
- Wrong ETA in Assigned tab
- Change column values to better match a specific client's values
- Broken permissions for Camera Access
- Create the new "sync-audit-cosmos" and "partial-update-cosmos" queues
- Vehicle stays assigned after manual event "Canceled by LP"
- Incorrect order of delivery statuses
- * 'Delivery Date/Time' column is displaying as first column which was the last but one column previously (Client-Specific)
- Fetch label query takes too long
- Re-dispatching fails because check returns delivery attempt is not in a valid state
- Header styling issue
- Update control-tower endpoint to return 'orderId' as delivery attribute
- Control Tower Performance Optimization- BE- ops
- * ***_Status of the Driver changes to 'In Store' instead of 'Active' after completing the Delivery Trip (Client-Specific)
- Specific client's routes not showing in Control Tower.
- Sorting is not working for Orders/Deliveries/Dashboards pages for new "Sub-Containers" column
Hotfix Release – 06/27/23
"Control Tower Locations Filter" Functionality Implementation
A filter has been implemented that will prevent the UI from loading all locations as default. Instead, users will now select and deselect only the locations desired for Control Tower. A location specific user will only have access to their location.
2.6.2 – 06/21/23
**** Automatically Apply Accessorial "Multi-Person" for Delivery Based on Item-Weight Criteria (Client-Specific)
During discussions with a specific client on defining order criteria that should require 2-person delivery, they agreed with OneRail to institute a 2-person delivery requirement for any order that contains any item with an individual item weight of 70 lbs. This requires a means for OneRail users to quickly and easily identify orders where this is applicable, so there needs to be an automated means of flagging orders where this 2-person requirement applies.
Since we're not able to automatically send the 2-person delivery requirement to LPs, our dispatch team must instead make these arrangements with LPs manually, and to do so effectively, we need a functionality in Core to flag these automatically, especially with this specific client expanding to additional locations and increasing this burden on the dispatch team.
* Enhancements to "Copy Delivery" Functionality on "Order Details" (Client-Specific)
A specific client has requested specific functionality for "Copy Delivery" from the "Order Details" page for their organization and users only. This functionality only affects users associated with the specific client. The enhancements only enable users to "Copy Delivery" from the "Order Details" page once the first delivery has been canceled. Additionally, the enhanced dispatch controls that live on the "Deliveries" page where the client-specific users can dispatch to a specific driver have been added to the "Order Details" page at each individual delivery/shipment level. Also, the "Create Return" button has been hidden from view from client-specific users since they do not utilize the functionality for returns.
* LP Ranking Enhancements (Client-Specific)
OneRail’s LP Ranking algorithm has been enhanced to further optimize and rank logistic providers. Additional ranking factors have been introduced to better measure the viability of logistics partners and criteria for dispatching.
Schedule Dispatch Enhancements
New "Dispatch Options" Button
On the "Order Details" page, at each individual delivery/shipment, there are two buttons to dispatch a delivery:
- Dispatch Immediately
- Schedule Dispatch
These two buttons are being consolidated into one button called "Dispatch Options". When this new button is clicked, a modal will appear with the same two options to "Dispatch Immediately" and "Schedule Dispatch".
LP Negotiated Rates
Enable negotiated rates for a specific-LP's deliveries for a specific-client.
Client-Specific Shipper Cancel
Enable a specific client to cancel a delivery using the API.
Configuration of Client-Specific LP Sub-Accounts
Provide additional granularity at each of a specific client's location LP-specific account numbers
Internationalization - Country Code
Make country available in the translation layer that serves Logistic Partners.
Fixes and Improvements
- Update Delivery API to Support International Addresses
- Ensure "Country" is Passed to LP Transform When Dispatching a Delivery
- Delivery date/ time column not available for parent users
- Events Stealing Attempt IDs from Active Attempt
- Add "Select All" and "Deselect All" to Filters
- Parent Club Deliveries Missing Expected Delivery Options
- Display Labels for All Couriers/Modes in "Order Details"
- Update "Federal Tax ID" to be More Generalized
- For a Return Delivery, the "Delivery Details" page header should read "Proof of Return"
- Fixed Database Spiking Issues
- In the lpContractSLa page, the ServiceLevel section displays id instead of name
- Tracking number is not generated when delivery is assigned to a specific LP.
- PODs become viewable only upon changing active
- Delivery Attempts in Timeline jumps (reverses) switching LP names when USE_RISK_CALCULATION_V2 flag is on
- Users unable to save changes on the edit delivery page
- "Distance" Under "Carrier Info" is Calculated Incorrectly
2.6.1 – 06/07/23
Batching Enhancements
When a batched delivery with two or more deliveries is revoked and re-dispatched along with another delivery for the same Customer/Location, only two deliveries are displayed as the "Order ID". Now when a pre-existing batched delivery is re-batched with new deliveries, the existing batched delivery becomes standalone delivery again and is then re-batched with the new deliveries.
* Ensure LP Ranking Uses Own Rate Card (Client-Specific)
In order to enable LP Ranking for a specific client, we need to update the query to shipper costs instead of LP cost in this instance because the client has its own rate card with these couriers. This is a short-term solution to solve the immediate need, however, we will be utilizing a feature flag where we can add additional organizations to this in the event we need to.
New Table Filter Options
As we continue to enhance the table filters on the various tables, users can now filter by the following columns to further segment the data to their viewing needs:
Dropoff Location Name
Dropoff Location Address
Pickup Location Zip Code
** Sub-Hauler Name to "Delivery Details" (Client-Specific)
A specific client has a complex invoicing process that requires their users to be able to see the subhaulers for LTL orders in delivery details since all LTL carriers are on their rate card. The work for exposing this in reporting is done but we still need this to be shown in delivery details. The client needs to be able to see the subhauler for LTL orders on the delivery details page in the "carrier name" section. This should also be visible in any columns that show the carrier name to ensure a consistent user experience.
New "Country" Column Added to Orders CSV
In order to expand and support international customers, the downloadable template for "Orders" has been updated to include "Country" as a column. Additionally, the data ingestion logic has been updated to support this new column and the data provided in the CSV.
Canada Preset Added to "Markets"
In addition to having Continental USA to "Markets", Canada has also been added as an option. When using this preset, all of Canada will automatically be set with polygons for a market. These polygons can still be moved and configured as needed just like it can be today when adding Continental USA.
"Create Account" Page Enhancements
Confirming email field was removed to make it easier for user to signup. Additionally, verbiage about accepting our Terms and Conditions was added to the form.
LP Payout on LP Control Tower
LP Users logging into ORD will now have the ability to see the Payout for a specific delivery before assigning a driver to it. This allows the dispatcher to prioritize based on how much the delivery will pay. Additionally, this capability will be also available when assigning deliveries to drivers via mobile.
Delivery Windows in LP Control Tower
Delivery windows will now be displayed for LPs on their Control Tower for both single deliveries and routes. Users will be able to see the individual windows for Pickup or Drop-off stops.
LP-Specific Vehicle Selection Refactor
Refactor vehicle selection for a specific-client to properly leverage dimensional information from OneRail utilizing the LP's weight constraints.
*** Migrate Client-Specific SSO to OKTA (Client-Specific)
Production cutover for a specific client's SSO integration to OKTA.
Specific LP Missing Status & Driver Details
Fix to alleviate field type mismatch issue preventing Driver detail updates and subsequent new event when driver is changed.
Add Sub-account information to GoShare Integration
Addition of sub-account credentials to GoShare integration.
LP-Specific Negotiated Rates
Bug fix to add an additional qualifier to allow discounted rates to show for negotiated rates when using shipper rates.
LP-Specific Driver Reassign
Bug fix to address driver reassign not functioning as expected for LP-specific deliveries.
Fixes and Improvements
- Update Delivery API to Support International Addresses
- Ensure "Country" is Passed to LP Transform When Dispatching a Delivery
- Delivery date/ time column not available for parent users
- Events Stealing Attempt IDs from Active Attempt
- Add "Select All" and "Deselect All" to Filters
- Parent Club Deliveries Missing Expected Delivery Options
- Display Labels for All Couriers/Modes in "Order Details"
- Update "Federal Tax ID" to be More Generalized
- For a Return Delivery, the "Delivery Details" page header should read "Proof of Return"
- Fixed Database Spiking Issues
- In the lpContractSLa page, the ServiceLevel section displays id instead of name
- Tracking number is not generated when delivery is assigned to UPS.
- PODs become viewable only upon changing active
- Delivery Attempts in Timeline jumps (reverses) switching LP names when USE_RISK_CALCULATION_V2 flag is on
- Users unable to save changes on the edit delivery page
2.5.2 – 05/26/23
New Table Filter Options
A new column called "Source" is being added to the table views on the "Dashboard", "Delvieries", and the "Orders" pages. The "Source" column indicates what method type the order/deliver was created.
The four options that will be displayed are the following:
- Orders/Deliveries created via the API integration.
- Manual
- Orders/deliveries that are created manually via the UI.
- This includes the following:
- Orders
- Deliveries
- Copied Deliveries
- Returns
- Scheduled Returns
- File Upload
- Orders CSV File
As we continue to enhance the table filters on the various tables, users can now filter by the following columns to further segment the data to their viewing needs:
** Contract Matching Based on "Sub-Container" Quantities When Present (Client-Specific)
Due to the nature of the contract between OneRail and a specific client, when a delivery is dispatched that contains both containers and sub-containers, the contract matching process should look at the sub-container quantity to determine pricing instead of the "Container" quantity.
Specific Client's Upgraded Dashboard with New Metrics:
- All SLA calculations are based on TTS (Time To Serve)
- TTS Breakdown
- TTF (Time to Fulfill)
- Driver Acceptance
- Drive Time PU/DO
- Abandon Rate
- Cost
Fix Error for UPS Status Updates for Excessive Requests for Status
Hotfix to resolve errors in generated by UPS for excessive status update calls to their platform
Configure Shipper Accounts for Skipcart
Enhancement to allow Skipcart to manage shippers independently on their platform.
Senpex SenderName and SenderPhone
Ensure Senpex sender name and phone number are sent properly to Senpex from OneRail.
Add Client-Specific as a Shipper Account for Client Specific
Configure Client Specific shipper accounts for the Client Specific integration.
*** Migrate Client-Specific SSO to OKTA
Update Client-Specific SSO to OKTA. This is pending testing with the specific client.
Client-Specific EnRoute Delivery Status Fix
A fix to ensure a specific client receives EnRoute Event for delivery status updates
Add Item Price Capabilities to the Courier Translation Layer
Add capability to support item level cost in the LP translation layer.
UPS Not Displaying All Delivery Status Updates
Bug fix to address timeout issue as well as to address Picked Up and EnRoute status issues for UPS.
Add Support for Item Pricing for a Specific Client
Adds item cost information to the payload for client-specific deliveries.
** Map Contract Key and Service Level on Client-Specific Orders
Update service level in Frayt for client-specific deliveries to a lower service level.
Fixes and Improvements
- Add "Deselect All" Option When Adding Accessorial
- *** A specific client's users on iOS 16.1 are having persistent white screen issues.
- Update the type for the input of getDistanceInfoForLocations
- Even if the deliveries is from OneRail network the revoke timer shows as "OWN"
- Timeline shows multiple entries for Assigned status for batched orders
- Contract Matching Mismatching Speeds
- Clicking on + Add Filter button for second time is not closing the expanded filter popup
- Update Delivery API to Support International Addresses
- Batching Orders Using Alternate Locations Will Route and Go Back To Draft
- Cancelled deliveries with "-" as ETA still has value in back-end
- ** Client Specific passing OCH back UUID on get rates response (Client-Specific)
- * Store user is able to Permanently Cancel a Delivery Trip that is in progress (En Route to Delivery status) (Client-Specific)
- Fix Truncated Order ID's on UI side
- When editing or creating order/delivery, item identifier dropdown value selection works in an unexpected way
2.5.1 – 05/10/23
GeoFencing for Locations
Locations now have a 0.25-mile geofence to better track when a Driver arrives at a location, how long the driver is at the pickup location and the delivery location, and determine if a driver is in a Market. This includes the following "Location" types:
- When a driver's geolocation is within 0.25 miles of the geofence of the pickup location, the order's status will be changed from 'En Route to Pickup' to 'Arrived for Pickup'.
- When a driver is in the 'Arrived for Pickup' status and their geolocation moves outside of 0.25 miles from the pickup location, the order's status is changed to 'En route to delivery'.
- When a driver's geolocation is within 0.25 miles of the geofence of the dropoff location, the order's status will be changed from 'En Route to Delivery' to 'Arrived for Delivery'.
- When a driver is in the 'Arrived for Delivery' status and their geolocation moves outside of 0.25 miles from the dropoff location, the order's status is changed to 'Delivered'.
--Although coding has been deployed, it has not been enabled. Further enhancements will be made before this feature is available to clients and logistic partners.--
Tracking Number Hyperlink
Currently, we only display the tracking number itself on the "Order Details" and "Delivery Details" pages. As an enhancement, when a shipper has their own rate card with a courier or carrier, they will now be able to click on the "Tracking Number" to go to that courier or carrier's tracking page.
OmniPoint currently supports containers and items for orders/deliveries. Some customers, however, only have containers and/or containers with sub-containers. To provide better visibility into orders/deliveries that have both containers with sub-containers, there have been several additional enhancements to OmniPoint:
"Sub-Containers" Column
A new column called "Sub-Containers" has been added to the "Dashboard", "Deliveries", and "Orders" pages. The "Sub-Containers" column will display the total number of containers an order/delivery contains.
Display "Sub-Containers" on "Order Details"
When an order is created with containers and a "container type" of "Bundle", if there are sub-containers present, the "Order Details" will display the total number of sub-containers nested under the parent container accordingly with the cumulative amount of containers. The description of a sub-container will simply be just "Sub-Container".
Display "Sub-Containers" on "Delivery Details"
When a delivery is created with containers and a "container type" of "Bundle", if there are sub-containers present, the "Delivery Details" will display the total number of sub-containers nested under the parent container accordingly with the cumulative amount of containers. The description of a sub-container will simply be just "Sub-Container".
** Display Count of "Sub-Containers" as "Delivery Items Total" (Client-Specific)
For a specific client, we are going to display the "Total Items" under "Delivery Items Total" as the total quantity of the "Sub-Containers". The "Total Weight" and "Total Volume" will still be based upon the dimensions at the "Container" level. Since this request was directly from a specific client, all other customers that use containers will be based upon the total "Container" count.
Resolve NO_DATA Business Name issue
Hotfix to resolve the Delivery API validation issue regarding business name.
Driver Reassign Fix
Hotfix to addresses issue with driver reassignment not sending new events for the same LP. Fixes issue for Client Specific where the incorrect driver shows up to claim a delivery.
Allow Dynamic Signature Required
Remove contactless hardcoding to allow signature required without conflict.
Add Support for Item Pricing for LP Specific
Adds item cost information to the payload for LP Specific deliveries.
Switch mapping for dimensions
LP Specific has requested to switch the mapping between fields "Length" and "Depth".
Add OrderID to Payload
Add orderId to Tonquin payload for deliveries
Add Item Price Capabilities to the Courier Translation Layer
Add capability to support item level cost in the LP translation layer.
UPS Not Displaying All Delivery Status Updates
Bug fix to address timeout issue as well as to address Picked Up and EnRoute status issues for UPS.
Add Support for Item Pricing for Walmart
Adds item cost information to the payload for Walmart deliveries.
Map Contract Key and Service Level on Client Specific Orders
Update service level in LP Specific for Client Specific deliveries to a lower service level.
Fixes and Improvements
- Drivers that Use SSO are Experiencing an "unauthorized" Screen When Losing Connectivity
- All Editing and Saving Deliveries with 0 Items
- Column Sorting Not Working Accurately
- Default Custom View Dates Are Note Updating Automatically
- Pickup and Dropoff SLAs for LP Markets Ignored During LP Matching Deliveries
- Exact Match On Item Search Criteria Not Listed First
- Blue Driver Dot Not Tracking
- * Message displayed when an already dispatched Transaction is submitted for dispatch by another CPP is not appropriate (Client-Specific)
- * Orders Dispatched to 3rd Party are not Getting "Delivery Completed" and Remain in "OneRail Processing" (Client-Specific)
- * Specific client is unable to login in OR Staging/UAT as an Enterprise User "Message "Cannot delete or update a parent row: a foreign key constraint fails" is displayed (Client-Specific)
- Pickup and Dropoff SLAs for LP Markets Seem to be Ignored During LP Matching with Delivery
- File Validation Before Upload Validation Cleanup
- Column Sorting Not Working Accurately
Hotfix Release – 05/02/23
labelHash hotfix:
Fixes an issue for a specific client where deliveries could not be created when locations were only defined by their store number.
NO_DATA hotfix:
Fixes an issue for a specific client where "NO_DATA" was not being mapped properly to the business name.
Driver name hotfix:
Fixes issues where the name of the driver assigned by LP would not be updated if it had been modified past the point of the order being assigned.
2.4.2 – 04/25/23
New Table Filter Options
As we continue to enhance the table filters on the various tables, users can now filter by the following columns to further segment the data to their viewing needs:
- Pickup Location Address
- Pickup Location City
- Pickup Location State
Date Filter Enhancements
When the enhancement to the table filtering was done to add the ability to filter by various dates, the first implementation of this requires you to select the date value to filter then click into the date picker and click "Apply" to apply the changes to the table views.
Now when you select a date value from the pick list, the table-filtered results will automatically be applied when you select the date value instead of having to click into the date picker to apply the changes.
Locations and Customer Locations will have an Alt-Location option for use when the address does not geocode. This will allow the user to enter the latitude and longitude of the location so that the driver is directed to the actual drop-off/pick-up location.
Send Shipper costs for 856 EDI
Fix to report shipper cost on deliveries over two weeks old for a specific client.
Configure Accessorials for Client Specific
Configure accessorials for Client Specific for pick up and drop off locations.
EDI Architecture for Carriers
Complete implementation of staging environment for EDI carriers to begin EDI integrations.
Freight Class & NMFC Codes
Ability to pass freight class and NMFC codes from shipper to freight carriers (UI implementation still pending).
Fixes and Improvements
- Pickup and Dropoff SLAs for LP Markets Seem to be Ignored During LP Matching with Delivery
- File Validation Before Upload Validation Cleanup
2.4.1 – 04/12/23
Enhancements with UI Changes
* Deliveries with "Containers"
When deliveries have "Containers", this information was not displayed on the "Order Details" and the "Delivery Items" sections on the "Delivery Details" page. On the "Order Details" page, the items in an individual shipment/delivery displayed no information. Now when deliveries have a combination of "Containers" and "Items", this information will be displayed on both the "Order Details" and "Delivery Details" pages respectively. If a delivery has only "Containers", only the container level information will be displayed.
* New "Containers" Column
Related to the above enhancements to display "Containers", we've also added a new column to table views for these "Containers". This will display the total number of containers for each delivery in the following table views:
- Dashboard
- Deliveries
- Orders
P44 $60 Lift Gate Charge for Client Specific Deliveries
All deliveries for specific client that are performed by Project 44 require a $60 lift gate charge to be added to their shipper cost.
Add Client Specific as a shipper account for Point Pickup
Point PickUp is now configured to support client-specific deliveries.
Configure Accessorials for LP Specific
Incorporated supported accessorials for LP Specific deliveries.
Client Specific Deliveries Dispatching over 75 Miles
Resolves the issue of ensuring that if a delivery is over 75 miles assign the delivery to the UPS bucket for the Get Rate decisioning process.
2.3.3 – 03/29/23
Products Enhancements
CSV Upload
Today, when uploading a CSV file of "Products", any preexisting products within an organization will be overwritten when a new CSV file is uploaded. In the event a user is only adding a new product(s), they will quickly realize that all their product information has been deleted and replaced with the newly uploaded product(s).
The CSV uploading process has been updated to support bulk uploading both new products as well as updating existing products. The "Item Identifier" is now used as a unique key for the product and only one product can use that identifier.
Add Products
As a part of updates made to the "Products" CSV data ingestion logic to support adding new and editing/updating existing products, there are several enhancements to the UI made to help complete the user experience.
Users can now add individual products manually through the UI without having to upload a CSV file using this new method.
Edit Products
Existing products can now be edited to account for pricing changes or dimension changes to keep up with the evolving markets and product changes all industries face. Existing orders and deliveries that have a product that has been modified will retain all their original product information such as the name, pricing, and dimensions.
Delete Products
Old or outdated products can also now be deleted from the UI manually. Existing orders and deliveries that have a product that has been deleted will retain their original product information such as name, pricing, and dimensions.
LP's Own Customers (Shippers)
LP users will now be able to onboard their own customers into the OneRail platform. These customer will be created as shipper-type organizations and will be "children orgs" of the LP organization.
LP's Own Deliveries
LP users with the appropriate permissions, will now be able to create deliveries for their own Shippers. These deliveries are generated through the LP Control Tower and use the same "create order" form that all users utilize today.
Delivery Details Page for LP Users
Users from LP organizations will now be able to see a limited version of the Delivery Details page. Shipper-specific data will be hidden on this page, as well as Timeline attempts to other LPs.
LPs will also be able to see on the timeline when a single delivery has been assigned to their organization multiple times (i.e., multiple attempts).
Add New Product from Order/Delivery Creation Form
When creating an order, customers can now create and define a new product that didn't exist in their products list prior to creation. After defining a new product through creating an order, delivery, editing, or copying workflows, users will now see the product appear in their "Products" list.
Order CSV Upload File Validation
When a user is uploading a CSV file of orders to create and route, the system will check that the file meets field requirements before creating the orders. If there are no errors, the upload will complete and create the orders. When errors are present, the upload will not complete, and a list of errors to correct will display.
Delivery Status Webhook Retry
Retry Logic added to client specific webhook for delivery statuses.
Adjust Client Cancel Code Logic
Adjusted Client Cancel Codes to read CD-012 for Revoked by OneRail.
Make Bungii a Dynamic LP
Update of code to make Bungii a dynamic LP.
Need to add address2 to EasyPost labels
Fix to ensure labels will contain fill address on an EasyPost label when Address 2 is utilized in CORE.
Webhooks for Client
Configured the event hub to meet Client LP status updates and POD.
Support Decimal Weight and Total Weight for Order Items
Update initially targeting a specific client to support decimal weights from the shipper for order items.
GoShare Cancellation Codes
Code to allow GoShare access to our standard cancel reason messaging shown in CORE.
Failed Delivery Create Email for Client
Email notification to be sent to client when an IMS order fails to create due to a bad address.
Fixes and Improvements
- Auto Revoke Failing Because of cancelParcelDelivery Flow
- Update GetRates to Display LP Cost Actual as Shipper Cost
- Update Get Rates to Return Final Mile Rates When Parcel Fails
- Create Deliveries with Scheduled Dispatch Via the API
- Create Scheduled Returns Via the API
- Update LP Cost to Apply to Shipper Cost When a Delivery Is Dispatched
- Ability to Manually Upload Multiple POP/PODs
- Editing a Delivery to Remove an Item Deletes the Wrong Item
⏱️Coming Soon
OneRail's Privacy Policy
Organizations will now have a setting where users will be enforced to agree to OneRail's Privacy Policy and Terms of Service if desired. By default, this setting is disabled. When enabled, first-time login users will be enforced to agree to OneRail's Privacy Policy before they can use the account. Additionally, whenever there is an updated privacy policy, when this setting toggle is enabled, users will be enforced to agree to OneRail's updated Privacy Policy and Terms of Service.
Units of Measurement
Organizations will now have a setting for units of measurement to be displayed in either Imperial or Metrics. When an organization is configured to have "Imperial" as the unit of measurement, all users will see units of measurement in Imperial. The same will apply to users if "Metrics" is configured. In an upcoming release, this option will also be available at a "Location" and a "User" level. In addition to being able to visually see imperial or metrics in OneRail, our APIs have been updated to support both imperial and metric units of measurement. This is also supported from an integration standpoint as well. Any OneRail-generated shipping labels will also display the correct unit of measurement depending on the preferences set. This also applies to users of the OneRail driver app.
Hidden External Fleet
The creation of a hidden external fleet will give users the ability to create external routes for shippers with an internal fleet.
Control Tower
Users can see multiple routes at a time in Control Tower
As a user, I have the ability to view more than one route at a time in Control Tower so that I can efficiently plan and manage multiple delivery routes at a time.
Better Status Descriptions
The description under each of the available statuses in the mobile app has changed to better explain to users how and when to use each status.
General Fixes:
- Camera permissions sometimes not allowing users to take POD if no authorization is given the first time the app requests permission to use the camera.
- Login email input unresponsive intermittently after a fresh installation of the app, or when the app is updated in the background.
- Displaying correct pickup/drop-off location instructions from the delivery, not the main location.
- Driver assigned push notification sometimes did not generate.
Trimble Maps Integration
Currently, the geocoders we use are limited to just Here and Google. With the addition of Trimble, we are starting to implement it. On both the Front and Back End, Trimble is being implemented as the first option, then going to Here, then going to Google if it fails to find the correct option.
Fixes and Improvements
- Accessorial For Deliveries Are Calculated in Pricing and Rate Shopping
- DSQP Dropping Item Prices when Creating Delivery API Payload
- Deliveries created before cutoff time should not be able to dispatch after cutoff
- Broken routed delivery name
- Sorting is not working for Orders/Deliveries/Dashboards pages for new "Sub-Containers" column
- * When an client-specific user Dispatches an Order to a MyDelivery 2.0 driver, we need a Notification to be sent to the Driver that the order is assigned to them (Client-Specific Only)
- Second decline attempt not working
- "Open Pick-up Overview" button doesn't work when selecting the second order in a multi order delivery
- Driver name is not updated on Delivery page in case when delivery has been started and LP changed driver after that
- Vehicle Recommendations Not Including "Total Weight"
- Updated Vehicle Opening Size Calculation
- No status En Route to Delivery in case when driver swipes fast
- Map must zoom up to show selected driver
- Update Dollar Value Inputs to be Right Format
- Deliveries That Automatically Get Scheduled Not Appearing as "Scheduled"
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