2.7.1 – 07/06/23
New Table Filter Options
As we continue to enhance the table filters on the various tables, users can now filter by the following columns to further segment the data to their viewing needs:
Pickup Accessorials
Drop-off Location Zip Code
New Cancellation Reasons
New cancellation reasons were added to the existing list that are currently available to select organizations. Below is a list of the new cancellation reasons available:
Item Out of Scope
Delivery Services Out of Scope
Order not Staged
LP Not Assigned
Incorrect Delivery Address
Inaccurate Item Information
No Inventory
In addition to the new cancellation reasons, several cancellation reasons were retired for specific customers:
Customer Picked Up From Store
Delay - Delivery
Delay - Pickup
Incorrect Item Picked By Store for Delivery
SLA Exempt
SLA Voided
Include Item Details for Specific Dispatch Platform
Allow item description to be consumed in the “order_desc” parameter.
Fixes and Improvements
*** A specific client's drivers canceling off of a route places the order in ACCEPTED_BY_LP
Add "Country" to OneRail Generated Labels
Sorting of columns is not happening in the proper ascending/descending order
Display International Addresses for Orders and Deliveries
Update Address Labels to be Generic for International Customers
Update Maps Integrations to Support International Addresses
Update Ops API to Support International Addresses
Update Phone Number Input Field to Support International Phone Numbers
Pickup Column Incorrect Sequence
Make clickable area around driver name larger
Delivery disappeared from driver after revoke timer runs out
*** Client-specific users on iOS 16.1 are having persistent white screen issues
Display correct location instructions
Update Camera access screen according to latest design
Check Truncate in ETA
After fresh install email input is unavailable during several picks
No view in Control Tower button for delivery in status Onerail Processing
Carrier Shipping Labels Throws an Error with an Undefined Document
ORD Locations list formatting Updates
Driver status description changes
Get drivers location authorization
Fix errors in location-inquery
Implement Indexes and Views for Reporting to Enable Incremental Refresh
Move sync and partialUpdate messages to their own queue
Fetch label query takes too long to generate labels
*_UAT_"DRIVER_ASSIGNED" eventType for Infleet delivery is Not Coming to *_COMM_TRX_DELIVERY_EVENTS_RAW Kafka Topic (Client-specific)
**** Status should only update automatically for "Arrived for Pickup" and "Arrived for Delivery" (Client-Specific)
Fix for the getDriverLocation endpoint being called too frequently
Poor cancelation handling drops deliveries from Control Tower
Extend LP users authorization with RBAC check, design and implement set of permissions
Mixed deliveries shown incorrect in mobile app
Drop off points not combined
Need to optimise re-tries errors on mobile
Sometimes LP manager do not receive notifications
Incorrect size of View in Control tower button
The Alternate Address is Not Used for Batched Orders (Duplicate Store Locations)
App crashes after trying to open Delivery from History
View in Control tower button leads to wrong LP Control tower after auto-revoke
PARSING ERROR when Rejecting deliveries
Any vehicle instead of particular vehicle name
Align payout sum by right side
Map constantly zooming-out
Customer location with an address suggested by the system couldn't be saved
Change icon of Past deliveries
Do not allow driver to log out if they have assigned or in progress deliveries
Add delivery locations
Wrong ETA in Assigned tab
Change column values to better match a specific client's values
Broken permissions for Camera Access
Create the new "sync-audit-cosmos" and "partial-update-cosmos" queues
Vehicle stays assigned after manual event "Canceled by LP"
Incorrect order of delivery statuses
* 'Delivery Date/Time' column is displaying as first column which was the last but one column previously (Client-Specific)
Hotfix Release – 06/27/23
"Control Tower Locations Filter" Functionality Implementation
A filter has been implemented that will prevent the UI from loading all locations as default. Instead, users will now select and deselect only the locations desired for Control Tower. A location specific user will only have access to their location.
2.6.2 – 06/21/23
**** Automatically Apply Accessorial "Multi-Person" for Delivery Based on Item-Weight Criteria (Client-Specific)
During discussions with a specific client on defining order criteria that should require 2-person delivery, they agreed with OneRail to institute a 2-person delivery requirement for any order that contains any item with an individual item weight of 70 lbs. This requires a means for OneRail users to quickly and easily identify orders where this is applicable, so there needs to be an automated means of flagging orders where this 2-person requirement applies.
Since we're not able to automatically send the 2-person delivery requirement to LPs, our dispatch team must instead make these arrangements with LPs manually, and to do so effectively, we need a functionality in Core to flag these automatically, especially with this specific client expanding to additional locations and increasing this burden on the dispatch team.
* Enhancements to "Copy Delivery" Functionality on "Order Details" (Client-Specific)
A specific client has requested specific functionality for "Copy Delivery" from the "Order Details" page for their organization and users only. This functionality only affects users associated with the specific client. The enhancements only enable users to "Copy Delivery" from the "Order Details" page once the first delivery has been canceled. Additionally, the enhanced dispatch controls that live on the "Deliveries" page where the client-specific users can dispatch to a specific driver have been added to the "Order Details" page at each individual delivery/shipment level. Also, the "Create Return" button has been hidden from view from client-specific users since they do not utilize the functionality for returns.
* LP Ranking Enhancements (Client-Specific)
OneRail’s LP Ranking algorithm has been enhanced to further optimize and rank logistic providers. Additional ranking factors have been introduced to better measure the viability of logistics partners and criteria for dispatching.
Schedule Dispatch Enhancements
New "Dispatch Options" Button
- Dispatch Immediately
- Schedule Dispatch
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